[Storyline] Dong Yi 동이 (同伊) - Episode 2.
Cr. - Jackie@dramatomy
Repost : http://dongyitv.blogspot.com/
The gathering of Geumgae members in the cave. Then Geumgae members make way for their leader arrival. Geumgae leader walks up as the members bows to him in respect. It is none other than Choi Hyo Won. Choi Dong Joo & Cha Cheon Soo greets Choi Hyo Won. Then Cha Cheon Joo & Choi Dong Joo running in the forest. Choi Hyo Won tells his members that they no longer can exists in their harbour. Some of their colleague as been apprehended, some has lost their love ones & the era of righteousness is deem lost. Now that someone has put blame & accusation for the killing of the Yanban faction & in turn punished Geumgae as perpetrators for those murders. These people has created something horrifying & frightful plots & scheme, therefore they have lost many of their beloved comrade that Geumgae have just stand idle as they take away & arrest innocents Cheonmin. Choi Hyo Won said that they must use their won method to finds who is the mastermind behind this scheme. This is going to be a risky & dangerous conflict that they may suffer hardship & that they may spiral to a deep conspiracy that they may never anticipate but they must have trust that if they don’t waiver in hesitation, they will able to waves this through, they may able to survive this ordeal
Choi Hyo Won showed his sword that & reminds them that whether they recalls the 1st time they took up their swords, it was their mother was innocently being abused with kicks & battering & that their beautiful sister was being breech that their sibling be sold as slaves, this was the day that they upraise & take up their swords that they swear never to be oppressed that they must not accept being bullied or trampled. This is not that they are Cheonmin but they have been made perpetrator without reasons. It is not the reason that it is because they are mere Cheonmin that life can be discarded so meaninglessly & put the blame of this crimes on their account therefore they must use their resources to find out who this mastermind is, so that once they find this mastermind out that they can announce to the world of their wrongdoings that this is a regards importance to save their comrades from prison & to free them. Choi Hyo Won draws his sword as Geumgae member roar in rallying cheers
This is the affects from Joseon’s compensation tributes to the Manchu after losing the war where Joseon has to send human tributes to Manchu but when this war tributes returnees return to their homeland after suffering for their country is rejected by Joseon society seeing them as unclean since the view the Manchu as barbarians. This stories are depicted in many Korean Ghost stories where the family actually drown or killed the returnees to preserve their family’s reputation or cast the family members out as government slaves. In the treaty of Samjeondo, Joseon were force to terms. Joseon becomes a dependency of the Qing Dynasty therefore breaks away with the suzerain Ming Joseon offers 1st & 2nd sons (Crown Prince Sohyeon & Hyojong) of King Injo & addition sons or brothers of ministers as hostages. They had termed it as study tours. Joseon pays tribute to Qing as she has done to Ming. Joseon will serve in the war against Ming. Joseon offers army & ships for Qing war effort against Ming. Qing does not allow Korea to build castles without restraint. Qing allows Korea to trade with Japan. Based on this treaty, Joseon had to send 3000 beautiful women to Qing until 19 century. The tributes was paid 4 times a year until 1644 then reduce to once a year. This became the Sadae Ideology (serving the Great), although it gave the people of Joseon suffering. There is also a question that boggles is why didn’t Manchu or even the Mongols annexe Korea while these powers invaded China. We may never asked the reasons as they are all dead & gone. Was it that Joseon too small fry or they just happy with their submission & being a faithful servant & vassal state. We give you what you want to leave us to rule our country & land, in the end the Masters in China treat Joseon as a instant cash & material machine; where else the Japanese annexe Korea in 1910, remove the Korean sovereign & become the master of the land
Choi Dong Joo & Cha Cheon Soo goes to the capital streets to look for Choi Dong Yi whereabouts. Choi Dong Joo notice someone dragging a girl as she calls out to her sister only to finds it is a mistaken identity. Cha Cheon Soo said that he can’t find her from where he is. Choi Dong Joo asked Cha Cheon Joo to carry on with their search. Cha Cheon Soo said that they must look at the routes that people generally path through, they may be passerby who have notice Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi agrees then asked to spilt up their search. Cha Cheon Joo assures Choi Dong Joo not to worries, he is curtained that Choi Dong Yi is save & sound somewhere
Then Oh Yun’s men sneaking over the fence as one asked that the girl has been brought to that residence. The other confirmed that she indeed was take to the residence as they wait & observe. Choi Dong Yi in a room. One of Oh Yun’s men comes back to report to oh Yun as he asked how is the matter getting on. Oh Yun’s men tells that they has lost her. Oh Yun is surprise that they lost Choi Dong Yi’s whereabouts. The men said that Choi Hyo Won has lost his whereabouts after the initial attempts on his life, while Choi Dong Yi as been taken by some stranger that suddenly appeared & the men has not got a hold on her. Oh Yun question about the strangers & asked what is happening here, who has taken Choi Dong Yi away
Choi Dong Yi waiting in the room. Then the doors open & a Valet asked Choi Dong Yi to come with him. Choi Dong Yi acknowledge as the Valet calls out to the madam of the manor that he has bring the said girl to her. The Madam of the house asked whether this is the girl that Valet has made reference of. The Valet affirms. The Madam of the manor tells that looking at Choi Dong Yi, she can see that she is gentle & quiet. The Madam of the manor asked Choi Dong Yi does she know the reason what she is being brought to this residence. Choi Dong Yi said that she knows, she has learn that it is in regards to the matter about Mun An Bi for Seonal greetings that she wanted to see her. The Madam of the manor tells that it is correct that the child in her household has married into an aristocrat family & she has spend special effort in selecting the Mun Ah Bi for Seonal but unfortunately the person intended has come down with measles therefore she went around asking & she has heard that Choi Dong Yi was said to be witty & intelligent child therefore in her urgency, the Madam of the manor wish to see her. Choi Dong Yi thanked the the Madam of the manor. Choi Dong Yi assures that she will do her best in relaying their well wishes
Mun An Bi is a person who sends personalize Seonal greeting & well wishes by proxy – an ancient form telegram
The Madam of the manor asked the Valet to let her read the written well wishing greeting. The valet takes the greeting out. The Madam of the manor asked Choi Dong Yi where she lives & what is her name. Choi Dong Yi tells the Madam of the manor that she lives in Banchon village & her name is Choi Dong Yi. The Madam of the manor surprise that she lives in Banchon that means that she is of Cheonmin class. Choi Dong Yi nods
Banchon is the residence for the lower caste commoner Cheonmin that held non virtues occupation like slaves, butchers, shaman, clobbers, metal workers, registered tenants or workers, prostitutes, magicians, sorcerers, jail keepers & performers like the Gisaeng. Cheonmin is above the untouchable Baekjeong but tend to has segregated lives quarters from the public
The Madam of the manor reprimand her Valet what is going on here, that this year’s Mun An Bi, there shall be selected from the Yangmin class. The Valet understands but in the group of Yangmin there is no candidate that seen suitable to the criteria but this girl from Cheonmin class is said not only that he is literate but also show of intelligence…. The Madam of the manor puts the stop to the Valet explanation & asked how can the Valet go around running his errands. The Valet apologise. The Madam of the manor tells that nothing must go wrong in the Seonal greetings that they have no choice but to send Choi Dong Yi away. Choi Dong Yi pleas with the Madam of the manor that she may be Cheonmin class but however she will able to run this errand well for the Madam of the manor. Choi Dong Yi begs the Madam of the manor for a given chance. The Madam of the manor asked what is the Valet standing idle there for. The Valet tries to get Choi Dong Yi to leave as Choi Dong Yi pleas with the Madam of the manor that she will do the errand with great satisfactory. Choi Dong Yi tells that she is well verse in the Seonal greeting & the protocols of the Mun Ah Bi & assures the Madam of the manor that she can really do this errand well. Choi Dong Yi said that since she is already here, the least give her a chance for her to read the Mun An greeting the Madam of the manor to listen as she asked for a chance
Mun An is a well wish greeting or pay of respects greetings like personal telegram
The Valet tells Choi Dong Yi is really rude & does she know what place is this to speak insolence. The Madam of the manor tells Choi Dong Yi, she may read the Mun An greetings for her to listen. The Madam of the manor said that in this cold weather to have come from afar, then to return, Choi Dong Yi will feels that it has been unfair to her. Choi Dong Tanked the Madam of the manor graciously for the given chance. The Valet give the Mun An greetings for Choi Dong Yi to read. The Valet asked her to reads the Hangeul that it is written next to the Hanja, after she finished reading, she may leave. Choi Dong Yi reads but then stutters on the greetings as the Madam of the manor said that she has heard enough & Choi Dong Yi may leave. The Madam of the manor asked what Choi Dong Yi was suppose to able to read but why she only reads 2 sentences & couldn’t go further than that. Choi Dong Yi denies that she indeed can read the content of the letter but then the Hanja in this greeting is written incorrectly. The Madam of the manor is surprise that it is written incorrect. Choi Dong Yi show the mistakes that the character has use the wrong stroke & radical index. The Madam of the manor asked where is the mistake & asked Choi Dong Yi to pass to her. The Madam of the manor reads it that slaps the table & tell the Valet how can he makes such a mistakes. The valet apologise that he didn’t know how to write those characters, so he merely wrote what he knows. The Madam of the manor scolds her Valet for being useless. The Madam of the manor asked whether Choi Dong Yi can reads not only Hangeul but Hanja as well. Choi Dong Yi affirms that she can read both. The Madam of the manor is satisfied with Choi Dong Yi
The Chinese writing or Hanja is a complex set of writing that the scheme of Chinese Phonetic Alphabets (hanyupinyin wasn’t invented then, the Chinese has some form of character that it syllabus oriented), then core words include various radical index. There are over 106,000 compound words in the Chinese Dictionary. The literacy of Chinese competence, it is said that you need to know about 3,500 characters to read a Chinese newspaper but usually people tends to score around 4,000-5,000 characters, the rest is usually have a Chinese Dictionary to back up. I have more Chinese dictionaries than English. In South Korea the education system expose about 2,000 basic Hanja characters but off the street, as it is not emphasis in daily life, just on some official occasion wedding or funeral or some shop signs where Hanja is used. If you write something in Hanja, the average student or person on the street can barely recognise just a few hundred characters.
Choi Dong Yi tries the silk hanbok for size. The seamstress asked Choi Dong Yi to look herself at the mirror to find whether it is fine. Choi Dong Yi looks at the mirror & exclaim that it is really beautiful. Choi Dong Yi said that she has heard that if she become the Mun Ah Bi for this residence, the silk hanbok she is having is hers to own as token & asked whether it is true, the seamstress said that it is correct & tells that if Choi Dong Yi does well in her Mun An Bi errand, then the hanbok is hers. Choi Dong Yi is overjoyed as the lady of the house said that she may take off the hanbok & day after tomorrow to return as the seamstress will alter to her measurement for her. Choi Dong Yi thanked the seamstress as she turn around in her silk hanbok
Choi Dong Yi return home skipping away that she get to become Mun An Bi & in the day she got a reward that she is really lucky today, it seems that this new year she will have good fortunes bestow on her. Oh Yun’s men is following Choi Dong Yi home. Choi Dong Yi tells that when she finds Gae Do Ra, she will get to boast about it. Then suddenly someone grabs her off the path & hides her as Oh Yun’s men pass them. It is Choi Dong Joo as Choi Dong Yi is surprise to see her brother. Choi Dong Joo asked whether his sister is alright & safe. Choi Dong Yi doesn’t know what her brother is implying, why wouldn’t she been safe & asked how did her brother that where was her whereabouts & asked whether Gae Do Ra has inform him about her whereabouts. Choi Dong Yi will filled her with the details later. Choi Dong Joo said that they need to leave quickly as it is dangerous here & leaves with Choi Dong Yi.
Oh Yun’s men finds that they have lost Choi Dong Yi. Then Cha Cheon Soo asked who are Oh Yun’s men, who are they really that they must pursue Choi Dong Yi’s whereabouts. Cha Cheon Soo asked them to asked him. Oh Yun’s men attacks Cha Cheon Soo & draw their sword. Oh Yun’s men is no match for Cha Cheon Soo as he pins one of them & asked who has send them & asked them to speak up. They fought back, but Cha Cheon Soo ended up rendering them unconscious.
Cha Hyo Won telling his Geumgae members that the 1st group will look around the area where the Yanban murders was done at Samban jetty, Anguk dong & Gyedong & thoroughly scout for more clues & evidence. The 2nd group will scout the residence of the murdered Yanbans for clues. The group acknowledge Choi Hyo Won instructions. Choi Hyo Won assign 3rd & 4th group to observe the movement of the government officials & investigate if there any secret rendezvous activities. Choi Hyo Won said that this is definitely a scheme & ploy among the government official playing politics or some illicit political annihilation on goings & tells them that they must not miss out any of the slightest clues that can indicate their suspicion & asked them whether they are clear. The groups said that they will bear this in mind. Choi Hyo Won tells that to execute their assignment at once
The body of Kang Jung Hyeon is taken out as Seo Yong Gil said that this is an inside job in their police bureau. Seo Yong Gil orders Hwang Jung Hyeon for a roll call that all who presence at the police bureau during the death of Kang Jung Hyeon to gather. Seo Yong tells no matter whatever the ranks from junior to senior to have them all gathered at once in front of him. Hwang Jung Hyeon acknowledge. The Assistant comes back as Seo Yong Gil asked why did his Assistant comes back alone, did he asked him to bring Choi Hyo Won back. The Assistant tells that he can’t finds Choi Hyo Won’s whereabouts & not only that, he went to their house & he finds that even his daughter has not return home. Seo Yong Gil is surprise
Choi Hyo Won has learn that they has found Choi Dong Yi. Cha Cheon Soo confirms the facts & assure him that she is safe & unharmed. Cha Cheon Soo said that Choi Dong Joo has taken her sister to a safe place to Elder Ship Bun’s house. Cha Cheon Soo asked Choi Hyo Won to come as he will escort him there. Choi Hyo Won said there is no need. Cha Cheon Soo said that Cha Hyo Won will be relief & at peace if he see for himself that Choi Dong Yi is safe. Choi Hyo Won insist that is not necessary. It will be fine to learn that she is safe & unharmed. Choi Hyo Won reminds Cha Cheon Soo that they don’t have any time to waste that they need to settle this matter that has laden them. Choi Hyo Won said that they don’t know what other schemes they are plotting to do next
Oh Tae Seok learns from Oh Yun that the men who has been following Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Yi has all met their demise & all killed with a single stroke. Oh Yun tells that Choi Hyo Won as he sees it is not an ordinary coroner as generally perceived & apologise for his blunder. Oh Yun assures Oh Tae Seok that he will definitely finds Choi Dong Yi & Choi Hyo Won. Ph Tae Seok understands as Oh Yun is not a person who makes false claims that he believe what Oh Yun has said. Oh Yun acknowledge with thanks. Oh Tae Seok said that as he sees it now, that allowing Oh Yun to handle matters is a little immature, moreover in his observation that it looks like Oh Tae Seok is perceived to be heartless. Oh Yun said there is any…Oh Yun assures his Uncle…Oh Tae Seok tells that there is no need to make excuses, Oh Tae Seok said that he will slightly give his support on the sideline therefore he wishes that mistakes like this will never repeat again
Then in the music bureau, where the ensemble master Hwang Shik quickly calls his musician to attention that Daebijeon (Queen Dowager Myeongseong chambers) has give the order to instruct them to go to her chamber at once, then calls out the musician of different instruments, Janggu, Gayageum, Ajaeng, haegeum, Daegeum…that he needs a total of 10 musician in an ensemble. Hwang Joo Shik goes through his selection on musician then asked them to leave immediate to the Queen Dowager Myeongseong’s chamber
Janggu is an hour glass shape drum. Gayageum is 12 string zither. Ajaeng is a 7 string zither. Haegeum is 2 string upright fiddle. Daegeum is a large transverse flute.
It seems PD Lee Byung Hun favours to use Lee Hee Do playing Hwang Joo Shik in all his drama, hopefully we will see some familiar faces. Lee Hee Do is just fresh out of the drama Reputable Family.
Choi Dong Joo comes to the music academy as he greets his colleague Musician Choi as he asked whether he is entry the palace to play an ensemble. Musician Choi affirms that he is & asked Choi Dong Joo why is he doing in the music academy that he know that today is his day off. Choi Dong Joo said that he has matter to attend to & needs to enter the palace & if Musician Choi doesn’t mind, he will go on his behalf. Musician Choi is surprise as Choi Dong Joo goes into the palace with the ensemble as he divert himself to some where is the palace
The palace gardener are hard at work when a garden picks up a key buried under the plant then runs to place the key at the rendezvous site as Choi Dong Joo goes to get it from the site & then using the key he enters a library & selects certain books from the shelves & write down notes as references. Then the palace guard finds the library door ajar as the palace guard tells his colleague & asked why is that the door open as they go in to investigate. Meanwhile Choi Dong joo is busy copying references from the books then he hears noises as the palace guards open the doors as Choi Dong Joo packs & hides, then a roof tiles fall to the ground as the palace guard comes out to have a look, where a worker fixing the roof tells if they are alright. The palace guards said that he nearly injure someone with the roof tiles, as Choi Dong Joo sneaks out from the library. The worker apologise saying that the roof tiles slip off his hands. Then Choi Dong Joo signal the worker to tell that he is safe
Cha Cheon Soo in the street market where he finds the Uigyeongbu guard pasting Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Yi poster at the notice board as he just went to asked the Uigyeongbu guard what they are wanted for. Uigyeongbu guard asked Cha Cheon Soo whether he knows the persons. Cha Cheon Soo said that he might has seen them around. The Uigyeongbu guard tells that last night at the police bureau a Uigyeongbu office was killed & the person & his daughter in the poster are wanted for his murder & if Cha Cheon Soo sees them, make sure he report the matter to the police bureau. Cha Cheon Soo acknowledged. Uigyeongbu guard leaves for the next notice board. Cha Cheon Soo takes a closer look at the poster of Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Yi
Seo Yong Gil goes to see Oh Yun with the poster & asked Oh Yun what is this. Oh Yun just take a look then doesn’t reply as Seo Yong Gil repeats his question & asking what they are doing with pasting these wanted posters of Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Yi. Seo Yong Gil question that Choi Hyo Won killed Kang Jung Hyeon can that be a possibility. It is because of this matter that they are taking up the case & interfering with the police jurisdiction. Oh Yun said that he has learn that during the death of Kang Jung Hyeon, Choi Hyo Won has disappear from the police bureau & according to what his knowledge that his whereabouts unknown. Seo Yong Gil said if that is the substantial reason for them to accuse Choi Hyo Won. Seo Yong Gil said that the person that killed Kang Jung Hyeon is definitely not Choi Hyo Won as he tells that this case is in league with Ministerial official. Oh Yun said that what Seo Yong Gil has mentioned, he has also heard, & that the evidence was he produce a badge as proof & moreover that badge is so happened to be in the possession of his daughter. Seo Yong Gil asked then what is Oh Yun trying to implied. Oh Yin tells that Seo Yong Gil still doesn’t know, using his daughter as a diversion then goes to killed Kang Jung Hyeon in prison then disappear from the police bureau, with this, doesn’t that implies suspicion. Seo Yong Gil thinks his argument is nonsense as Oh Yun tells that this is Geumgae’s doing, moreover all evidence now is heading to their direction. Oh Yun reminds that it was Seo Yong Gil who 1st instigate that it was Geumgae’s involvement in the murder cases of the officials
Seo Yong Gil said that it is correct that he wishes to pursue & apprehend them but however this time, he will handle this matter. Oh Yun is surprise that Uigyeongbu is putting accusation on innocent people, this is will not stand idle or stand down & watch. Oh Yun stands up that Seo Yong Gil is not standing down as Oh Yun tells that Seo Yong Gil is indeed insolent. Oh Yun said that Uigyeongbu have the Royal decree to investigate cases that they wish to choose & Seo Yong Gil is belittled them to think they are a joke. Oh Yun asked Seo Yong Gil that he is a police & go back to mind his police business. Oh Yun reminds Seo Yong Gil that both bureaus are a separate entity. Seo Yong Gil agree that the separate entity therefore Oh Yun can’t be sitting there giving out orders to him & throw the poster at Oh Yun then leaves
Oh Yun’s Assistant asked that are they going to left Song Yong Gil loose without doing a thing about it. Oh Yun said that Seo Yong Gil’s father is a official scholar although his father have left politics but he still have Sukjong’s confidence. Oh Yun said that it will be against their benefits if they upset the Seos. The Assistant is concern as Oh Yun asked to let it rest as anyhow by tomorrow all of this matter will be over
Oh Tae Seok comes out after seeking audience with Sukjong as Jung In Guk asked him that he has met with Sukjong. Oh Tae Seok confirms as the Jung In Guk asked what did Sukjong said, as Sukjong gave his consensus. Oh Tae Seok said that Sukjong has said that if the evidence is true, then they can proceed to annihilate Geumgae secret society with speed. Jung In Guk thanked Oh Tae Seok that he was worried that this incident may have lead to implication of suspicion that it is Seoin faction doing & never he would have thought that Oh Tae Seok will protect their innocence. Oh Tae Seok said that he is not protecting them, that it was never in his mind. The perpetrator is Geumgae but how can because of faction differences that he would go & harmed Seoin faction with this accusation. Jung In Guk is happy as Oh Tae Seok that he is thinking in the line that it is for the sake of peace in Royal court that they need to settle this matter quickly. Oh Tae Seok said that that the Namin & Seoin has general consensus therefore there would be any debates. Jung In Guk is happy that Oh Tae Seok agrees with them
Jung In Guk is from the Seoin’s faction. Currently the Royal Court is under Seoin political faction. Namin holds political power in 1674 but overthrown by Seoin in 1680, the year now is 1681
Gae Do Ra’s father looking around standing guard as Choi Dong Yi asked why he is still lurking around. Gae Do Ra tells that what Choi Dong Yi going to do if she gets caught again, it is already said that they are not suppose to leave the house. Choi Dong Yi said that where is anything that doesn’t have any solutions, we just wish to return to our own home. Choi Dong Yi said that Ajusshi is really strange, why is he not allowing her to return home. Gae Do Ra asked Choi Dong Yi not to be stubborn & come into the house, if she disobedient that it will be Gae Do Ra who will get a death beating from his father. Choi Dong Yi tempts Gae Do Ra whether he wants to suffer his father beating, or he would like to eat meat skewers. Gae Do Ra is surprise that Choi Dong Yi offer him meat skewers. Choi Dong Yi said that she has mentioned that when she is Mun An Bi, she get a lucrative food tray & she promise that she will share it with Gae Do Ra & asked whether he will help her. Choi Dong Yi understand if he doesn’t help her
Gae Do Ra then asked how can he go about in helping her. Choi Dong Yi knows that Gae Do Ra will help her. Then Choi Dong Yi runs to Gae Do Ra’s father in panic saying that there is trouble as Choi Dong Yi said that something has happen to Gae Do Ra as Gae Do Ra’s father runs to see. Gae Do Ra in his house screaming that he has severe stomachache as he wails & rolls on the floor. Gae Do Ra’s father comes in & asked what has happened as Choi Dong Yi relay that they were both playing then suddenly Gae Do Ra complains of having stomachache. Then Gae Do Ra’s father asked whether it could be dysentery. Choi Dong Yi said that it is dysentery, it will be trouble & asked Gae Do Ra’s father that he needs to take Gae Do Ra to see a physician. Gae Do Ra’s father tells that it is not the time as they can’t go. Choi Dong Yi said that if they delay, Gae Do Ra might died. Gae Do Ra adds some dramatic in his pain. Gae Do Ra’s father asked them to wait here while calls the physician. Gae Do Ra’s father leaves.
Choi Dong Yi said that her trick works. Gae Do Ra tells Choi Dong Yi that he really wants to eat meat skewers. Choi Dong Yo assures that Gae Do Ra will have them all. Then Gae Do Ra’s father comes with a bowl as Gae Do Ra return to his dramatics. Gae Do Ra’s father said that his son must drink this 1st. Choi Dong Yi tells Gae Do Ra’s father that this is feces water. Gae Do Ra’s father said that it is true that the feces water is great cure for dysentery & encourage his son to drink. Gae Do Ra frantically shakes his head as Choi Dong Yi said that Gae Do Ra’s father can’t do that, she will go & called the physician to come. Gae Do Ra’s father said there is no need & encourage his son to drink. Gae Do Ra looks at Choi Dong Yi who encourage him to drink the feces water to pull of their con as Choi Dong Yi behind Gae Do Ra’s father begging Gae Do Ra to drink the feces water. Gae Do Ra’s father shouts at his son to drink as Gae Do Ra drink but vomits it out as Gae Do Ra’s father tells that he needs to drink in a single gulp. Gae Do Ra tells that he is no longer in pain & asked his father for forgiveness that he can’t drink this further that it is all a lie. Gae Do Ra’s father is surprise as Gae Do Ra tells Choi Dong Yi he is sorry that he doesn’t want to eat the meat skewers. Choi Dong Yi is disappointed as Gae Do Ra’s father is upset over the children who trick him then drags Gae Do Ra out of the house that he really want to punished Gae Do Ra for the deceit that they dare to lie to him.
Choi Dong Yi said that it is Gae Do Ra fault, it is her who asked Gae Do Ra to help that she wish to return home therefore asked Gae Do Ra’s for his help. Choi Dong Yi pleas with Gae Do Ra’s father to allow her to return home. Choi Dong Yi said that tomorrow she has to go & become Mun An Bi. Gae Do Ra’s father has told her that she can’t, it is her father….
Choi Hyo Won & Cha Cheon Soo comes in to say that it is fine, he will tell his daughter. Gae Do Ra’s father greets Choi Hyo Won as Choi Dong Yi greets her father & asked why it took him so long to come. Choi Dong Yi tells that she has waited long for him. Choi Hyo Won asked Choi Dong Yi to come with him inside. Choi Dong Yi finds her father in a serious tone. Choi Dong Yi is surprise that her father doesn’t want her to become Mun An Bi. Choi Hyo Won said that currently that the Doseong is dangerous for Choi Dong Yi. Choi Hyo Won said that she will have to stay here until Choi Hyo Won said that it is permitted for her to leave.
Doseong is actually literally means the capital & Joseon capital is Hanseong (Seoul)
Choi Dong Yi said she can’t as tomorrow morning at Jin Si that she needs to leave for the Minister house to send Seonal greeting, it is only that, she will able to have the silk hanbok as her own. Choi Hyo Won tells why Choi Dong Yi is not listening what he has just said, he has told her that she is not to go. This is the 1st time that Choi Hyo Won has scolded her daughter & she is shock. Choi Hyo Won warns his daughter that if she were to create problem in her insistence & leave this premises then Choi Hyo Won will never forgive his daughter for her disobedient & asked whether she is clear on that. Choi Hyo Won leaves as Choi Dong Yi calls out to her father & asked her father to just give her this chance that she wants to wear silk hanbok so that people can see her as like a little Agassi (Miss) & asked her father to permit her to do so as Choi Dong yi begs her father to allow her to go. Choi Hyo Won leaves as Choi Dong Yi cries & wails
Jin Si is about 8am. It is 7am-9am
Seo Yong Gil in his office pondering as he recalls Oh Yun saying that this is works of Geumgae as all evidence lead to them, moreover it is the initially it was Seo Yong Gil who instigate that Geumgae’s involvement. Seo Yong Gil leaves then tells his Assistant to go to Gwang Gi as a beggar si following close to Seo Yong Gil then the beggar come across Seo Yong Gil to asked him for some alms when he slip Seo Yong Gil a note into his hands as the assistant pushes the beggar who is Cha Cheon Soo away. Seo Yong Gil is surprise to see the note in his hand. The notes said under the red pine tree as Cha Cheon Soo disappear from sight. Seo Yong Gil wonder under the red wall pine tree as he looks around as he sees the red wall than the for the pine tree
Choi Hyo Won whisper to Seo Yong Gil & approaches & greet Seo Yong Gil. Seo Yong Gil is glad that Choi Hyo Won is alive & relieve that he is unharmed. Choi Hyo Won thanked Seo Yong Gil for his concern. Seo Yong Gil finally know how it happen. Seo Yong Gil said that they wanted to silence Choi Hyo Won & his daughter but asked why did Choi Hyo Won emerge to look for him now. Choi Hyo Won said that the police bureau has an infiltrator therefore there is no alternative to relay his news to him. Seo Yong Gil apologise that it is because of him that he has led Choi Hyo Won & his daughter to be at risk & experience danger. Choi Hyo Won asked Seo Yong Gil not to blame himself. Seo Yong Gil tells Choi Hyo Won that he must aware that Uigyeongbu has warrant for their arrest. Seo Yong Gil said for the time being, he will arrange somewhere where they can seek refuge. Choi Hyo Won said that Seo Yong Gil needn’t worry about that refuge. Choi Hyo Won said that he will like to give Seo Yong Gil this. Seo Yong Gil for him & asked what it is. Choi Hyo Won said that this is his finding to the murders case.
Seo Yong Gil reads it as Choi Hyo Won explains that once he reads this, he will soon discover that for the past months, there is attempts being made by this officials over internal investigation, these 3 official were looking into the abuse of power within their Namin faction, that within the Namin faction, they are conducting the investigation among themselves, wouldn’t that be strange. Seo Yong Gil asked how can this be possible. Choi Hyo Won said that initially he has thought that it will be the works of Seoin faction & it is their doing, but after seeing the whole picture & what is his findings that it could have be within the Namin faction that someone is the perpetrator
Seo Yong Gil shows Choi Hyo Won’s finding to his father Seo Jeong Ho & asked what he thinks after reading it. Seo jeong Ho said that if this is true, this is worth some suspicion to ponder. Seo Yong Gil said that they already know the fact that his obsession persistence that Seo Yong Gil is pursuing Geumgae therefore this case must be review again & asked his father to help. Seo Yong Gil said that it is now that his father can only go to Sukjong to tell him about the matter. Seo Jeong ho said that this afternoon Sukjong has gone to Sungneung. Sukjong will go there to do a memorial ceremony & because he wants to settle his emotion, he will be residing there for a few days. Seo Jeong Ho said that this is am matter of urgency; therefore he will make a trip to Sungneung to personally seek audience with Sukjong. Seo Yong Gil thanked his father for his assistance. Seo Jeong Ho said before going, he will like to asked a question. Seo Jeong Ho said that the person who handed this information to him who is the coroner, that he really can have trust in him. Now that Uigyeongbu has already laid & accuse Choi Hyo Won as the perpetrator that killed Kang Jung Hyeon, if by chance that Choi Hyo Won is lying to him. Seo Yong Gil assures his father that Choi Hyo Won wouldn’t that he is not that kind of a person. Seo Jeong Ho asked his son that he has placed so much trust in Choi Hyo Won. Seo Yong Gil assures his father that he trust Choi Hyo Won like himself
Choi Il Hwa playing Seo Jeong Ho as cameo as Seo Yong Gil’s father, another cast from Reputable family but he looks more like an elder brother than father
Sungneung is Sukjong’s father Royal Tomb. Sungneung is the tomb of Hyeonjong, the 18th king of Joseon. Queen Myeongseong of Kim is interred in a separate burial mound to his right. Hyeonjong became king in 1659. He reigned for 15 years (1659-1674) and died at age 33.
Choi Hyo Won walks & finds someone following him as Choi Hyo Won step up his pace & disappear by jumping over the fence. The person who is following Choi Hyo Won is Seo Yong Gil’s assistant as he report that Choi Hyo Won disappeared. The Assistant said that it was clearly a dead end but out of the blues without a thought, he suddenly disappear from sight. Seo Yong Gil said that he has fears that Choi Hyo Won will be attack by assailant that is why he send his Assistant to keep an eye on Choi Hyo Won. Seo Yong Gil said that Choi Hyo Won might believe that the Assistant was an assailant. The assistant said that if that is indeed, it really amaze him that Choi Hyo Won could sense that he was being followed. Seo Yong Gil said when situation is anxious, one tends to be sensitive to matter, this can’t be denied
Next morning someone is sweeping as a group of guard passes by. He looks like a member of Geumgae as he takes the information & recalls Choi Hyo Won that this is the 2nd trace of evidence & tells that caution has to be made to hand this to Seo Yong Gil. The sweeper want to plant the information in Seo Yong Gil’s desk when Police Captain Jang comes in & asked what is the sweeper doing in Seo Yong Gil’s desk. The sweeper gives an excuse that Seo Yong Gil has instructed that his desk is messy & asked him to clean it. The sweeper kept the information with him as Police Captain Jang question the sweeper. The sweeper said that he has finished cleaning & he will take his leave. Police Captain Jang stops the sweeper from leaving & asked him to hold on. Police Captain Jang queries what is in his hand. Police Captain Jang tells that the sweeper has a piece of paper in his hand then asked him to surrender the paper. The sweeper hesitates as Police Captain Jang demand him to hand it over. The sweeper tries to flee & managed to escape by head butting Police Captain Jang as he tries to flee, he is caught
Seonal, everybody in festive mood, flying kites & wearing their Sunday best, as Choi Hyo Won looks on from a distance. Choi Hyo Won holding a hanbok as he recalls Choi Dong Yi wanting to wear silks & make her to feel like she is an Agassi therefore to allow her just this once. Choi Hyo Won holds the clothes tightly. Cha Cheon Soo comes & greets Choi Hyo Won & asked whether he was looking for him. Choi Hyo Won said that it seem that they need to take Choi Dong Yi away from the capital tonight. Cha Cheon Soo is surprise. Choi Hyo Won said that this morning Seo Yong Gil has pass him the message that Seo Jeong Ho will go to Sungneung personally to seek audience with Sukjong to inform him, it will seem that the members will soon to release & that he needs to go to the police bureau to make a evidence statement & during that time, one can’t predict what may happened, then asked Cha Cheon Soo for his help with Choi Dong Yi. Cha Cheon Soo acknowledge
Cho Dong Yi in Gae Do Ra’s house saying that is already Jin Si. Then she goes to Gae Do Ra to help her this once again as Gae Do Ra jumps from his bed & tells that he will not do it. Gae Do Ra said that because of her, he has already suffer a black eye & had to drink feces water that he still feeling the effects from the feces water drink. Choi Dong Yi apologise for the grievances she has caused to Gae Do Ra but she needs….Gae Do Ra has enough of her that he can’t care less. Gae Do Ra said that if he attempt again, his father has promise that he will throw his son into the latrine pit therefore he refuses to help Choi Dong Yi
Jin Si is the hour of dragon, it is 7am-9am
Cha Cheon Soo comes to see Gae Do Ra’s father saying that he is here for Choi Dong Yi. Gae Do Ra’s father tells that Choi Dong Yi is inside. Cha Cheon Soo calls Choi Dong Yi to asked her to come out as he taking her to a place, but there is no answer as he calls out again then he comes to the room, to see bedding lied on the floor as Cha Cheon Soo calls out to Choi Dong Yi & asked her to wake up then finds Gae Do Ra under the covers in Choi Dong Yi’s clothes. Cha Cheon Soo is surprise that it is Gae Do Ra’s father. Gae Do Ra’s father is also surprise, as Gae Do Ra begs for forgiveness from his father that he really wants to eat meat skewers. Gae Do Ra’s father tells that the person who left the house is not his son but instead it is Choi Dong Yi. Gae Do Ra tells his father to forgive him this once that he will not do it again as Cha Cheon Soo realise has Choi Dong Yi gone missing & may know where she went & leaves.
Choi Dong Yi is running late as she goes to tie her shoes that she needs to hurry, but miss to notice the wanted poster that is pasted on the walls. Choi Dong Joo learns from his father that he intends to take Choi Dong Yi away from the capital. Choi Hyo Won confirm that he has instructed Cha Cheon Soo at Mi Si to take Choi Dong Yi to Sam Gye jetty then Choi Hyo Won instruct his son to take Choi Dong Yi to the residence of Chon that is outskirt of the capital. Choi Dong joo acknowledge. Geumgae comes running to inform Choi Hyo Won that there is urgent news from the outlook from Member Jang. Choi Hyo Won reads the message as he is shock that how can this be happening that someone is going to harm Seo Jeong Ho, it is said that they will attempt to assassinate Seo Jeong Ho on his way to Sungneung. Choi Dong Joo said that matter that Seo Jeong Ho will be heading to Sungneung, it is people with that knowledge is Choi Hyo Won & Seo Yong Gil then why other people has learn of the matter. Choi Hyo Won asked his son how many people are there left in the mountain hideout. The members said there is only 9 of them. Choi Hyo Won said that it is too few. Choi Hyo Won asked them to gather others from the different braches & this information must be relay back to Seo Yong Gil about the attempt on his father’s life. The member acknowledge. Choi Hyo Won said that those who are here, to follow him to Sungneung. Choi Dong Joo asked that his father is going to lead this personally. The members said that Choi Hyo Won must not do so. Choi Hyo Won said that there is no time to be contemplating over petty matters that Seo Jeong Ho’s life is at risk & hanging on a balance
Mi Si is the hour of sheep, it is 1pm-3pm
Choi Dong yi wearing her silk hanbok following the seamstress to do her Seonal greeting as a Mun An Bi as Choi Dong Yi skipping away. The seamstress said that she is really so happy. Choi Dong Yo said that it is great feeling & what can be compare to this. The silk is so smooth that even a housefly comes will slip & fall hurt on the ground. The seamstress said that Choi Dong Yi is young, but really know how to talk. Choi Dong Yi enquire whose residence is she going to send greetings as she has hears that it is a very fame residence. Seamstress nods in affirmative
Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo is running towards Sungneung. Seo Jeong Ho in his palanquin hastily making his way to Sungneung. Seo Jeong Ho’s Valet asked whether Seo Jeong Ho wants to take a rest from his journey. Seo Jeong Ho said there is no time to waste as they must hurry with their journey. The valet acknowledge & asked the bearer to make haste onwards
Sungneung is locate in the Donggureung (East 9 tombs) Cluster tombs. It has a cluster of 9 tombs. Geonwonneung is the tomb of King Taejo. This is the tomb of King Taejo, the first king of the Joseon dynasty. He founded dynasty in 1392 and ruled merely for 6 years and then retired. After his death in 1408, his fifth son King Taejon built his tomb. Hyeolleung is the tomb of King Mungjong & Queen Gwon. This is the tomb of King Munjong (5th Joseon King) & Queen Gwon. King Munjong was an extremely learned man and published many books on Korean history. He was the son of King Sejong, considered to be the greatest of all Joseon kings. Munjong died at age 39 after reigning only 3 years (1450-1452). Queen Gwon died in 1441 but her remains were interred here only in 1513. Mongneung is the tomb of King Seonjo, Queen Bak & Queen Kim. This is the tomb of King Seonjo (1567-1608), Queen Bak, & Queen Kim. To the right of his tomb stand the twin tombs of Queen Bak and Queen Kim. The King’s tomb has a 12-sided retaining wall and the Queen’s tombs have a rock fence. Hwireung is the tomb of Queen Jo who is the , 2nd wife of Injo, the 16th ruler of Joseon dynasty. Sungneung is the tomb of King Hyeonjong & Queen Kim. Hyeonjong, the 18th king of Joseon. Queen Kim is interred in a separate burial mound to his right. He ruled for 15 years (1659-74) and died at age 33. Hyereung is the tomb of Queen Sim, the first queen of King Gyeongjong, the 20th ruler of the Joseon dynasty (reign 1720-1724). Gyeongjong was the son of the infamous Royal Consort Jang Hee Bin. Wolleung is the tomb of King Yeongjo & Queen Kim. King Yeongjo, the 21st ruler of Joseon, and his wife Queen Kim. Yeongjo died in 1778 at age 82. The son of Royal Consort Choi Suk Bin, a concubine of King Sukjong (19th king), Yeongjo acceded to the throne upon the death of Gyeongjong, his half brother and son of Jang Hee Bin. King Yeongjo reigned for 52 years, longer than any other king of the Joseon dynasty. Sureung is the tomb of Prince Ikjong (Munjo) & Princess Jo. Prince Munjo, the son of King Sunjo (the 23rd Joseon king), did not live long enough to reign. Munjo married at age 11 and died at 21. His father loved him greatly and ordered a kingly tomb, or “neung”, built for him. The prince was given the title of Ikjong posthumously. His widow Queen Jo was buried here in 1890. Gyeongneung is the tomb of Heongjong, Queen Kim & Queen Hong. Heongjong the 24th ruler, is the sole example of a tomb with three mounds enclosed inside the same wall. Heonjong became king at age seven and married Queen Kim at age 11. Queen Kim died when the king was 16. Two years later at 18, he married Queen Hong. King Heonjong reigned for 15 years (1834-49) & died at age 22. Both queens are buried in separate mounds to the right of the King’s tomb. Queen Hong was the last member of the royal family to be buried at Donggureung. She died in 1904 at age 73.
Direction to Donggureung is from Cheongnyangni Station (Seoul Subway Line 1), Exit No.5, take City Bus No.202, No.7-8 to Donggureung Tomb. It takes 40 mins to walk the whole grounds
Cha Cheon Soo goes around asking a passerby where is the residence that the Mun An Bi is sending greetings. Choi Dong Yi & the seamstress reaches the residence & marvel how large the residence is. The residence is none other than Oh Tae Seok as he is in his study when his Valet calls out that the Mun An Bi has arrive. The valet said that it is from the Young Master’s in law that is sending a Mun An Bi to send Seonal greetings. Oh Tae Seok realise that it is already “Cho Sam” & asked to invited the Mun An Bi in. The Valet acknowledge & asked Choi Dong Yi to enter
Cho Sam is the 3rd day of the 1st lunar month of the new lunar year
Choi Dong Yi enters to meet Oh Tae Seok as she bows to Oh Tae Seok as he acknowledge & sits down. Oh Tae seok smiles. Meanwhile Choi Hyo Won & his men are rushing to Sungneung then finds an abandoned palanquin on the way as they fear for the worst. Choi Hyo Won approaches the palanquin then finds there is not a single soul to be found around the palanquin. Choi Dong Joo discover bodies nearby of the slain bearers & the Valet. Choi Hyo Won asked them to confirmed the dead to see if there is any vital signs as they all conformed that they are all dead. Choi Hyo Won opens the palanquin to find Seo Jeong Ho dead & shock to find Seo Jeong ho dead & how can this happened. Suddenly Choi hyo Won’s men is cut down by flying arrows. Choi Hyo Won asked then to retreat. Uigyeongbu guards sounds the attack & shouts that these people are the perpetrators of Seo Jeong Ho’s death & must be apprehended as Choi Hyo Won defense against the offensive & the soldiers runs down in battle cry towards Choi Hyo Won. Choi Hyo Won seeing that they are greatly outnumbered as the soldier surrounds them & close in on them
Choi Dong Yi sends the Seonal greetings to Oh Tae Seok. Oh Tae Seok thanked Choi Dong Yi for the convey greetings then he replies the greetings with his own set verses as Choi Dong Yi acknowledge the greetings. Oh Tae Seok asked whether Choi Dong Yi can memorise the greetings. Choi Dong Yo affirms that she can memorise it well then recites his greetings back to him. Oh Tae Seok laughs as such a young girl is able to memorise the verses & she is indeed intelligence & asked what is her name. Choi Dong Yi tells that her surname is Choi & her name is Dong Yi. Oh Tae Seok said that when her household Miss is married away, she is definitely will be accompany her Miss to her married household as maid in waiting. Choi Dong Yi apologise & tells that she is not the maid that belongs to that household & afirad that she will not be able to convey that statement to the household. Oh Tae Seok is surprise that she is not from the household as Choi Dong Yi confirms. Choi Dong Yi said that she resides in Banchon village & is from the Cheonmin class
It is a custom that when gentry class girls are married off to another family, they usually goes with an accompany maid that wait on her
Oh Tae Seok is surprise that she stay in Banchon & asked that he has heard that there is a coroner that resides there. Choi Dong Yi tells that her father is the coroner. Oh tae Seok is surprise that Choi Dong Yi’s father works as a coroner. Choi Dong Yi asked that if Oh Tae Seok has no more messages to convey, she will take her leave. Oh Tae Seok asked her to wait a moment. Oh Tae Seok question that Choi Dong Yi’s surname is indeed Choi. Choi Dong Yi affirms. Oh Tae Seok tells that she stay in Banchon village & the coroner who stays there, he then asked Choi Dong Yi what is her father’s name. Choi Dong Yi asked that Oh Tae Seok is asking for her father name as he affirms. She then answer that her father’s name is Choi..Hyo Won. Oh Tae Seok is surprise to hear that she is Choi Hyo Won’s daughter then asked whether she is really indeed his daughter. Choi Dong Yi affirms that it is. Oh Tae Seok laughs that he has struck lottery
The servant asked Choi Dong Yi to follow him to asked her to accept the rewards for being the Mun Ah Bi that they has prepared. Choi Dong Yi is happy to hear. Oh Tae Seok happy that she has Choi Dong Yi as the Valet comes in & asked if there is anything that Oh Tae Seok looks so joyful about. Oh Tae Seok smiles to say that is that so obvious in his expression. The Valet affirms that the Mun An Bi that the in law has send seem to give him great satisfaction. Oh Tae Seok affirms that it is indeed what he said is correct. Oh Tae Seok said that he has never comes across a Mun An Bi that has give him such pleasure. Oh Tae seok asked his Valet to go to the police bureau & asked Police Captain Jang to come over at once. The Valet is surprise as Oh Tae Seok tells the Valet to convey to Police Captain Jang that in his residence, the coroner that is evaded from the law’s daughter is here. The Valet acknowledge & leaves for the police bureau
Choi Dong Yi busy going through her food tray & stuffing her mouth with the food on the brink of choking as she enjoys her meals. Meanwhile Police Captain Jang & his men running towards Oh Tae Seok’s residence. The Valet showing Police Captain Jang where Choi Dong Yi is. Police Captain Jang asked his men surround & secure the area. The Valet comes to the room to finds Choi Dong Yi missing. Police Captain Jang asked what is happening here. The Valet said that she was clearing here. Choi Dong Yo went to the kitchen for take outs. Choi Dong Yi said that she will divided the potion for Gae Do Ra, then her father & her brother. Then Choi Dong Yi notice the police frantically searching for a girl name Dong Yi & Police Captain Jang shout to his men that they must find her & apprehend her at all cost. The police goes searching the premises. Choi Dong Yi sense it is trouble & tries to sneak away as she hides from the police search. Choi Dong Yi can’t understand why they need to apprehend her.
Meanwhile Seo Yong Gil is inform that his father has been assassinated by the Geumgae. The assistant is sad to relay the tragic news to Seo Yong Gil. Seo Yong Gil is shock as he wants to confirm the news again in disbelieve. The Assistant tells that Geumgae attack Seo Jeong Ho’s palanquin & killed him, moreover…..he has heard that Choi Hyo Won has been arrested on the scene & they said that he killed Seo Jeong Ho & they has said that Choi Hyo Won is the leader of Geumgae. Seo Yong Gil galloping on horseback & tell himself that it is not possible
Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong joo looks rather resign to their fate. Then the sweeper who looks battered is brought before them & the Uigyeongbu Captain asked the sweeper to identified whether Choi Hyo Won is Geumgae’s leader as the sweeper nods in affirmative. Choi Hyo Won knows that the sweeper has betray them. Uigyeongbu Captain asked what the soldier are waiting for, immediately arrest them & take them back to Uigyeongbu as the soldiers tied Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Yi up & led them back to the capital. Seo Yong Gil gallop & arrives to Choi Hyo Won & dismount his horse, stagger to Choi Hyo Won & asked Choi Hyo Won what is happening here & asked Choi Hyo Won to tell him. Uigyeongbu Captain tells Seo Yong Gil that Choi Hyo Won is the Geumgae’s leader & the person who assassinate Seo Jeong Ho. Choi Hyo Won remains silence. Uigyeongbu Captain orders that the prisoner be lead back immediately as they passed a very stun Seo Yong Gil
Cha Cheon Soo comes to Oh Tae Seok’s residence, only to finds a strong police presence at the residence. Choi Dong Yi attempts to climb over the fencing, as she cross over, the police constable notice her & asked her to wait & asked where is she going. The other said that she looks like the girl they are looking for. Then Choi Dong yi asked what they are doing, as Cha Cheon Soo comes & address Choi Do Yi as “Agassi”, then he pretend to be frantically looking all over for her for so long. The police constable hearing that she is being referred to as “Agassi” then they tell that they are looking for a Cheonmin girl. The servant identified that it is her, as Cha Cheon Joo rebuke them that how cant they said that she is Cheonmin when she is Cham Pan Dae Gam’s daughter, how can they be so insolence. Cha Cheon Soo tells Choi Dong Yi that they need to return home at once, she mentioned she just wanted to take a stroll, if the Minister finds out then he will be angry. Choi Dong Yi play along to tell that is it really, as Cha Cheon Joo urges her to come with him. The police constable thinks it was a mistaken identity as Cha Cheon Soo takes Choi Dong Yi & is cautious as Choi Dong Yi asked Cha Cheon Soo what is has happened why the police wants to apprehend her. Cha Cheon Soo asked that they must go & he will tells her the details later.
Cha Cheon Soo takes Choi Dong Yi to Sam Gye jetty as instructed. Cha Cheon Soo mentioned that Choi Dong Joo will be waiting for them here at the Mi Si, but he can’t see Choi Dong Joo anywhere & asked what has gone wrong. Cha Cheon joo takes Choi Dong Yi to hide somewhere secluded then asked her to wait for him here for a while, he will go & finds Choi Dong Joo & bring her brother to her & reminds her not to go anywhere & just to wait here quietly for him here. Choi Dong Yi understands that she will stay here & make no move. Cha Cheon Soo leaves to finds Choi Dong Joo
Cha Cheon Soo sprint & marathon through the snow cover paths then finds their mountain hideout has been torched as he goes into the blaze then finds dead Geumgae comrades lying on the ground after a massacre. Then he finds a survive member Oh Sung oh his last breath & asked him what has happened. Oh Sung tells that the soldiers were here, then Cha Cheon Soo asked where is Choi Hyo Won but Oh Sung expires before he could tell & Cha Cheon Soo is shock. Cha Cheon Soo finds out that they has been betrayed by the sweeper & Choi Hyo Won has walk into a trap. Uigyeongbu Captain takes Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo across village & town as Cha Cheon Soo sees Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo being arrested as Cha Cheon Soo makes it to the front of the crowd as the crowd gather to see Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo being escort.
Cha Cheon Soo attempts to do something to save Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo but Choi Hyo Won makes an eye contact & converse with him not to do anything stupid that Geumgae’s leader is now & asked that the Geumgae can’t vanquished. Cha Cheon Soo relented & stand aside to let them passed as Choi Hyo Won gave him an affirmative nod. Chan Cheon Soo is choke wit emotion for Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo. Meanwhile Choi Dong Yi still waiting in the jetty for Cha Cheon Soo. Choi Dong Yi regrets that she didn’t listen to her father not to go for the Mun An Bi & she is really sorry. Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo is drag to the jetty as the crowd shouts that thy are the perpetrators as Choi Dong Yi looks through to the crowd & finds that her father & brother is being apprehended 7 have the shock of her life
Choi Dong Yi: Father?……Brother?…..
Choi Dong Yi looks around then shouts
Choi Dong Yi: Father!!!!……Brother!!!!…..
Seo Yong Gil at his father’s funeral
Someone: This wretch is who has killed your father, he is none other than the leader of Geumgae
Seo Yong Gil questioning Choi Hyo Won
Seo Yong Gil: He is my father….did you really killed him?
Choi Hyo Won leaves as he keep this vow of silence
Choi Dong Yi sneak around & see people using the hand gestures like Jang Ik Heon
Choi Dong Ik: This is the same hand gesture that Jang Ik Heon was doing before he died
Choi Dong Yi is shock that she finally know what it mean
Jang Hee Bin goes to meet Oh Tae Seok as the Kim Heon said that she as a noble destiny
Kim Heon: She really has a noble destiny
Kim Heon tells Jang Hee Bin parted as he warns there will be another person that surpass greater than her
Kim Heon: Miss, there is yet another person that may surpass you
Cha Cheon Soo gives the Geumgae insignia to Choi Dong Yi
Cha Cheon Soo: When you see this insignia….no matter where you are…just leave this insignia…Orrabunim will come looking for you
Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo surrounded as Choi Don Yi runs
Soldiers: Open fire!!!!
Cha Cheon Soo finds off the soldiers as Choi Dong Yi runs
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabunim….No!!!!
Choi Dong Yi plays the haegeum
Sukjong: I always wanted to listen to that tune of music again
Choi Dong Yi grows up
............. End Episode. 2 ............