[Storyline] Dong Yi 동이 (同伊) - Episode 3.
Cr. - Jackie@dramatomy
Repost : http://dongyitv.blogspot.com/
Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo is drag to the jetty as the crowd shouts that they are the perpetrators as Choi Dong Yi looks through to the crowd & finds that her father & brother is being apprehended & have the shock of her life
Choi Dong Yi: Father?……Brother?…..
Choi Dong Yi looks around then shouts
Choi Dong Yi: Father!!!!……Brother!!!!…..
Choi Hyo Won sees his daughter & pause as he is being drag for stalling. Choi Dong Joo whisper to Choi Dong Yi not to come closer or shouts as Choi Dong Yi comes forward crying for her father & brother as Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo is led away to the jetty as they look at her to tell her to get away from there & not come nearer. Then Kim Heon comes & muffles Choi Dong Yi cries & asked if Choi Hyo Won is her father & tells that if she utter louder or give chase, she will be at risk. Choi Dong Yi struggles & asked him to let her go as her father & brother is being arrested
Seo Yong Gil is stun that the Uigyeongbu Captain informs that Choi Hyo Won is the leader of Geumgae & that he was the person who assassinate Seo Jeong Ho then he recalls Choi Hyo Won’s expression when he was arrested. The Assistant comes with Seo Jeong Ho’s body & asked whether Seo Yong Gil would like to identify & verify his father’s body. Seo Yong Gil uncover the shroud & almost faints seeing his father’s still body then he recalls his father telling whether does he really trust Choi Hyo Won as Seo Yong Gil assures his father that he trust Choi Hyo Won like himself. Seo Yong Gil collapse to the ground & grip his fist. Seo Yong Gil said he must go & see Choi Hyo Won. The Assistant think it is not wise as Seo Yong Gil must hears an explanation from Choi Hyo Won personally
The Uigyeongbu Captain comes to meet Seo Yong Gil. Seo Yong Gil asked to be let through as Uigyeongbu Captain refuses entry to Seo Yong Gil. Seo Yong Gil said that he will not repeat himself twice. Seo Yong Gil said that he is coming here in the presence as a Police Commissioner who is going to question Choi Hyo Won & should the Uigyeongbu Captain is refusing entry, then Seo Yong Gil will treat this as insubordination to an order given. Uigyeongbu Captain apologise that he can’t allow as his superior has given order that no one shall see Choi Hyo Won. Seo Yong Gil asked who is the person who has given the order. Oh Yun comes in & tell that he gave the order. Seo Yong Gil asked what is the meaning of this
Oh Yun tells Seo Yong Gil that he will safeguard Geumgae’s leader against Seo Yong Gil, in turn will investigate this matter if Seo Yong Gil’s involvement & hope that Seo Yong Gil will cooperate as he doesn’t wish to stir up any commotion. The Assistant asked what is the meaning of this, Seo Yong Gil has lost his father because of Geumgae & why Oh Yun is saying that he is safeguarding them. Oh Yun asked his Uigyeongbu Captain to see Seo Yong Gil to the questioning room. The Assistant about to draw his sword as Seo Yong Gil calm him down as he tells that it is in proper procedure & that he will take the questioning & investigation. Oh Yun show him the way
Cha Cheon Soo goes to look for Choi Dong Yi in the jetty where he left her & calls out to her. Kim Heon’s student was in her place under camouflages in twigs & makes his appearance. Cha Cheon Soo goes to him with a knife as Kim Heon’s student asked to spare his life. Cha Cheon Soo asked who he is. Kim Heon’s student tells that he is here to convey a message. Choi Dong Yi is still weeping as Kim Heon makes tea & asked her to drink the sage tea as it will make her feel better & soothes her nerves. Kim Heon tells that Choi Dong Yi doesn’t seem to have the knowledge that her father was in the Geumgae sect. Choi Dong Yi shakes her head & asked how can that be possible, her father is a coroner & her brother a court musician
Cha Cheon Soo comes calling to Choi Dong Yi as Choi Dong Yi greets Cha Cheon Soo. Choi Dong Yi tells Cha Cheon Soo that there is trouble, her father & brother has been arrested by the soldiers. Choi Dong Yi said that people has accuse her father for being involve in the Geumgae sect therefore he has been apprehended & so is her brother, this is not true, what the people are saying is not true. Cha Cheon Soo tells Choi Dong Yi to listen carefully what he is about to say to her now, don’t be shock & listen attentively & in composure to what he say until he finished & asked Choi Dong Yi to understand
Oh Yun goes to see Oh tae Seok as the Valet tells that Oh tae Seo is waiting at the courtyard. Oh Yun goes to meet his Uncle as Oh Tae Seok asked that he has heard that all has gone well accordingly. Oh Yun said that it soon have done this earlier as Oh Tae Seok wouldn’t have been anxious. Oh Tae Seok said that no at all, who would have ever guess that the group of Cheonmin would have force them to gain an upper deck. Oh Yun said from the start that he just wanted to push the blame to the Seoin faction, if this is said…Oh Tae Seok tell Oh Yun would he sit idle when the waves of power is lurking in front of you & not do anything will be unfair not to grab that opportunity. Oh Tae Seok said there will be a slight bitter inconvenience at the moment but as it progress, the winning gain will be on our side then it will bring peace to the world. Who in this world will ever hear anyone who comes to the aid of the Cheonmin in their defense, this is the ways of the society. Oh Tae Seok said it is that reason that they are the most suitable people to choose as the scrape goat. Oh Tae Seok asked Oh Yun what has happened to the Choi Dong Yi. Oh Yun said that he has send men to search for her in every corner of the capital & soon will have some news about her. Oh Tae Seok tells that Choi Dong Yi is the girl who last seen Jang Ik Heon alive before his death, they must not live any life traces behind that will jeopardise them. Oh Yun understands Oh Tae Seok’s concern
Choi Dong Yi finally learns that her father & brother & everybody are Geumgae sect & also Cha Cheon Soo. Cha Cheon Soo nods in affirmative. Choi Dong Yi asked perhaps whether the murdered Yanban officials were killed by her father. Cha Cheon Soo assures Choi Dong Yi that it is not them, it is all a plot, a scheme to put blame on Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo. Cha Cheon Soo said that Geumgae sect only help to provide escape route for runaway slaves & that someone who has murder the Yanban officials then manipulated blame to associated Geumgae & frame them for the murders. Cha Cheon Soo asked that Choi Dong Yi must keep strong, there will be more that is about to happened that may be difficult for her
Kim Heon stands at a distance & look on to give Cha Cheon Soo & Choi Dong Yi some private space. Kim Heon ponders that Choi Dong Yi is the daughter of the leader of Geumgae. Kim Heon’s student tells his teacher that there is trouble. Uigyeongbu soldiers storming up hill. Kim Heon showed them the direction to escape route & telling that it is a difficult terrain to track, therefore it is likely the soldier will not comb that area. Cha Cheon thanked Kim Heon for his assistance & he will repay this gratitude. Kim Heon brushes Cha Cheon Soo in being long winded & asked them to leave at once. Kim Heon asked whether she is Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi acknowledge as Kim Heon tell her to be careful when she leaves. Kim Heon assures that all will become well & she needn’t worry. Choi Dong Yi asked whether Kim Heon is saying the truth that all will be fine. Kim Heon tells Choi Dong Yi that he is a practitioner of Taoism is really advance. Kim Heon asked Cha Cheon Soo to protect Choi Dong Yi well. Cha Cheon Soo acknowledge & asked Choi Dong Yi to leave with him
Joseon Dynasty ruled primary under Confucianism system although it is not popular with the population except for the ruling class but because is not regard as a religion, religion tolerance, a restraining Buddhism & shamanism is practice in rural areas is expectable. Within the Joseon period, primarily during the 16th to 18th centuries, Chinese Taoist inner alchemy flourished, as literati, monks, private scholars (sarim), and even women, studied and practiced Taoist meditation and inner alchemy (naedan/tanhak) and produced hagiographic and anecdotal accounts of their Taoist contemporaries and forebears. These accounts of Taoist hagiography in order to determine who these practitioners were, what their social and ideological status was, the circumstances and motivations that caused their taking up the path of inner alchemy, and how they and their biographers reconciled the practice of Taoist inner alchemy with the dominant Neo Confucian Zeitgeist of the day.
As Cha Cheon Soo & Choi Dong Yi bids them goodbye, Kim Heon’s student asked his teacher whether all will be well for Choi Dong Yi has he has foretold, it is a great relief for Choi Dong Yi. Kim Heon turns to his student & asked whether he believe what was just said. Kim Heon’s student is surprise why his teacher said it to Choi Dong Yi. Kim Heon said that it is all lies, he just mentioned it in passing. Kim Heon’s student is surprise as Kim Heon tells that there is bloodshed that is bound for Choi Dong Yi’s destiny & the starts of her tragedy is about to commence, this is derive from her ill fated destiny. Kim Heon’s student asked that it is her fate destiny. Kim Heon said that she has Chil Sal & Yang Yin that surrounds her fate, this is why she is borne a Cheonmin, she will lose everything & gain nothing. Kim Heon’s student tells that Kim Heon ahs mentioned that she has heaven bestow favour. Kim Heon said that it is a fate that has “death” in it. If she doesn’t have those fated ill elements to end her life in death & she is able to survive, then there may be Sal Yin Sang Sheng there may be hope for her to change her destiny that she may do something in this world that has yet to been seen before. Kim Heon tells that actual sovereign of Cheonmin class is not her father but it is her
Chil Sal & Yang Yin are symbolic stars that represent ills elements that derives from natal notes or the 8 character of your time & date of your birth that controls one’s destiny based on certain Chinese astrology under the 4 pillars of destiny
“Cheon Eul Gwi In” is a person who natal’s notes is being destined to have heaven’s bestowed & favours to greatness
Sal Yin Sang Sheng is the ability to chance one’s destiny into great fortunes
Cha Cheon Soo takes Choi Dong Yi to a cave to hide out for the night. In the cave there is provision mostly weaponry, as Cha Cheon Soo tells that it is really cold, he will light a fire to keep warm. Choi Dong Yi is surprise to see the stockpile of arsenal. Cha Cheon Soo lights a fire & tells that her feet is damp & asked her to warm her feet to dry. Choi Dong Yi said that she is fine. Cha Cheon Soo said that he is worry for her as he tries to warm her feet. Cha Cheon Soo tells that Choi Dong Yi must have got a shock. Choi Dong Yi asked Cha Cheon Soo who is the people behind this, didn’t Cha Cheon Soo mentioned that her father & brother is being frame by others & who are the masterminds. Cha Cheon Soo said that he doesn’t know about that either. Choi Hyo Won wanted to finds out who exactly are the people behind it & in the ends he was frame. Choi Dong Yi said that she has no knowledge & all she wanted is able to wear this silk hanbok then she tells that she dislike her father when he didn’t allow her to go. Cha Cheon Soo pacify Choi Dong Yi not to worry, that her father & brother will be fine. Cha Cheon Soo promise Choi Dong Yi & asked him to trust his words. Choi Dong Yi nods in affirmative then they hear noise as Cha Cheon Soo & Choi Dong Yi hides. Cha Cheon Soo has a sword with him then as the men comes in, they asked who is there. It is Gae Do Ra’s father & the others as Cha Cheon Soo said that they are still alive. Gae Do ra’s father asked where is Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi comes out to show Gae Do Ra’s father that she is alive & well as Gae Do Ra’s father is happy to see her alive. Choi Dong Yi asked where is Gae Do. Gae Do Ra’s father assures Choi Dong Yi not to worry that Gae Do Ra has managed to escape with others. Gae Do Ra’s father seeing her safe that he can thanked heavens, if anything happens to her, he will never able to face Choi Hyo Won. Gae Do Ra’s father hugs Choi Dong Yi & cries as other are sadden by the scene.
Gae Do Ra’s father tells that those are alive are already here,
if they are still alive, they would have already gather here. Baek Hu tells that this is where they has their beginnings, they need to retaliate as other telling that they will have to sacrifice their lives if need be that they must lose Choi Hyo Won & other Geumgae members. Cha Cheon Soo said that they must not, their numbers are not sufficient & they can’t stage a prison break in that they need to finds other alternative. Gae Do Ra’s father tells that there is lives at stakes here, why Cha Cheon Soo needs to think so much over the matter. Cha Cheon Soo said that the 1st month is Geum Sal Ri & the criminals will not be executed in those dates therefore they have at least half a month time. Then the sweeper that betray them comes in to tell them there is no time left
Pa Wuk is a stage prison break
Geum Sal Ri is an auspicious date that forbids or ban killing or execution
Cha Cheon Soo is surprise to see the sweeper in the cave as Gae Do Ra’s father tells the sweeper to get out & grab his collar. Cha Cheon Soo asked the other to check & see if there is anyone that is following behind. The Sweeper assures that he didn’t disclose this venue to them. The other came back to say that there is no one out there. Gae Do Ra’s father tells the sweeper how can he betray Choi Hyo Won & their Geumgae comrades & asked him whether he is human. The sweeper said that this is why he came here to seek death, he tells that he has not qualified to ends his life honourably, so he will surrender his life in their hands. The sweeper said that he has no choice, as they brought his wife & children. Gae Do Ra’s father tells him to shut up as he is just giving excuses. Gae Do Ra’s father said it is fine, he will do justice in ending the sweeper’s life that he will cut him to pieces & scatter his remains on the grave of the innocent comrades who has died. Gae Do Ra’s father draws his sword to cut down the sweeper but Cha Cheon Soo stops Gae Do Ra’s father. Gae Do Ra’s father asked why Cha Cheon Soo stops him as Cha Cheon Soo asked what is the meaning that the sweeper tell there is no time left. Cha Cheon Soo said that he came here to convey a message, why doesn’t he said it. The sweeper tell that Choi Hyo Won tomorrow will be at Bu Dae Si be executed
Bu Dae Si is a window of time that allow execution to be conduct at any time
Cha Cheon Soo is shock, the sweeper tell that those who were caught together with Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo will also be executed tomorrow. Cha Cheon Soo is shock to hear that Choi Hyo Won will be executed. Gae Do Ra’s father cries for Choi Hyo Won. Seo Yong Gil assistant is observing Police Captain Jang’s movement. The Assistant comes to report to Seo Yong Gil as Seo Yong Gil asked what are his finding. The assistant apologise that Police Captain Jang has nothing that is worth a suspicion on. Seo Yong Gil accepts it. The Assistant asked whether Seo Yong Gil still insist in trusting Choi Hyo Won. The Assistant brings a book to Seo Yong Gil that he thinks that Seo Yong Gil should read it & that is why he brought it to him. Seo Yong Gil asked what is this book. The Assistant said that it was found in the Geumgae mountain hideout. Seo Yong Gil reads it & is shock at what he reads. The Assistant said that they have keep surveillance tabs on Seo Yong Gil’s movement & asked if Seo Yong Gil still insist to trust them. Seo Yong Gil just has his trust shattered
Choi Dong Yi seeing Cha Cheon Soo delegates instruction to the Geumgae members as they disperse from the cave after being instructed. Gae Do Ra’s father dispense the gunpowder they have in provision but tell that it is insufficient. Gae Do Ra’s father said that is ample supply in Man Mun Sang Jun is the gunpowder store that supplies the government gunpowder therefore they will be supplies in their store. Then Member 1tells that the matter arise when they need to transfer the gunpowder from the store. Member 2 said that it is because of Seonal festivity, there will be a lot of people buying fireworks for the celebration, they can disguise on pretext that they are buying fireworks. Member 1 asked whether they will sell them fireworks since they are Cheonmin, it will bring suspicion on them. Choi Dong Yi comes in & tell them that she will do it as she asked Gae Do Ra’s father to allow her to go. Choi Dong Yi said that she is wearing silk hanbok then people will think that she is a Yanban Miss being accompany. Gae Do Ra’s father tells that he can’t allow as it is too dangerous. Choi Dong Yi said that the other member mentioned that there is some difficulties. Choi Dong Yi assures that she can help & she will not be discovered. Choi Dong Yi said that yesterday the police constable mistaken her for a gentry Miss, that he believe that she was. Gae Do Ra’s father tells Choi Dong Yi that it is….Choi Dong Yi pleas with them to let her go as she wants to help since her father & brother are lock up in prison & asked if she can. Gae Do Ra’s father ponders over the matter
Man Mun Sang Jun is the supply store that supplies the government gunpowder
Choi Hyo Won is taken somewhere as he asked where they are taking him to. Then Seo Yong Gil assistant asked the soldier to wait a moment & asked Choi Hyo Won to come with him. Choi Hyo Won is brought to see Seo Yong Gil. The Assistant inform that he brought Choi Hyo Won to him. Choi Hyo Won greets Seo Yong Gil. Seo Yong Gil excuses his Assistant to wait outside a moment. The Assistant acknowledge & leaves. Seo Yong Gil tells that he is here to asked questions for Choi Hyo Won to answer or is there anything that Choi Hyo Won needs to speak to him about, if it is so, it would be better. Seo Yong Gil asked whether he should asked the question or Choi Hyo Won to speak up
Choi Hyo Won tells Seo Yong Gil that he has fears that some day; this day will come when the truth is revealed. Choi Hyo Won said that Seo Yong Gil has look after him so well & keep him in high regards in trust therefore Choi Hyo Won tells that he has render Seo Yong Gil great grievances & hurt. Choi Hyo Won has always brood on to heart over the matter. Choi Hyo Won tells that he must not let a person like him to give him such grievances. Seo Yong Gil question in his grievances & tells Choi Hyo Won that indeed people like him will able to do so since Choi Hyo Won has never trust Seo Yong Gil at all & never openly being sincere his heart towards him. Seo Yong Gil shows the book to him then Choi Hyo Won does he know what is the content of this book. Seo Yong Gil tells that this is a log book that is written of his 5 years of surveillance on his every single movement. Seo Yong Gil said that while he pursue Geumgae sect that they have been observing his whereabouts. Seo Yong Gil said that he finally realise after reading the log book
Seo Yong Gil said that in these 5 years as for him that he has treated Choi Hyo Won like a friend & teacher but as for Choi Hyo Won, Seo Yong Gil is seen just as an nemesis. Choi Hyo Won tries to explains as Seo Yong Gil wouldn’t allow him to explain as Choi Hyo Won intentionally came close to Seo Yong Gil from the start as a plan that make use of Seo Yong Gil & to track his movement, so that he can learn of the police movement against Geumgae. Choi Hyo Won tells Seo Yong Gil that it is not true that he never did this intentionally. Seo Yong Gil tells him that he wouldn’t believe whatever he is saying to him as of now. Seo Yong Gil tells does he know that he know clearly that he is Geumgae leader & to see his father cold still body & yet he wants to come here to listen to Choi Hyo Won’s explain but as of now, he will not believe what Choi Hyo Won have to say. Seo Yong Gil calls for someone at the corridor. The Assistant acknowledge as Seo Yong Gil orders that the prisoner be taken back to his cell. As Choi Hyo Won leaves, Seo Yong Gil asked whether Seo Jeong Ho was really killed by him. Choi Hyo Won was silence in that charge as he leaves
Choi Hyo Won said to himself, whatever he say, he knows that it will not able to appease Seo Yong Gil distrust against him & have his forgiveness, in that, Choi Hyo Won will not be distress that he will not lose anything therefore just confirm that this was done by him & hopefully Seo Yong Gil will able to get through his grievances. Seo Yong Gil is so resign
Then a cart comes in to the entrance as Uigyeongbu guard asked what is the consignment. The cart puller tells that they are grain. The guard checks the cargo & asked them to enter, then the 2nd man behind the man pushing the cart is Cha Cheon Soo. Cha Cheon Soo have a look around at the Uigyeongbu premises to make his assessment. Then Uigyeongbu soldier gets a notice that each cell can only hold a prisoner & asked other to come to him to arrange the arrangements
Cha Cheon Soo sneaks to the prison cells & knocks off the jail keeper then goes to finds Choi Dong Joo & asked whether he is alright that he is not hurt. Choi Dong Joo nods his head that he is alright & asked what is going on & why he is here. Cha Cheon Soo tells are they aware that Uigyeongbu had decided to pass sentence that they are going to execute them…& it is tomorrow. Choi Dong Joo is aware of the matter & they know all of it. Cha Cheon Soo looks at the faces of the comrades that are with Choi Dong Joo. Cha Cheon Soo tells that they are survivors & tomorrow when the journey to the execution grounds, they will stage a break out. Choi Dong Joo tells that there is no need to do so. Choi Dong Joo said that this is an order from Chou Hyo Won. Cha Cheon Soo is surprise. They knew that Cha Cheon Soo will look for them, also that if Cha Cheon Soo comes, he will convey this message to Cha Cheon Soo. Choi Hyo Won last order for Cha Cheon Soo is to stay alive, this is also the wishes of all who are here as Choi Dong Joo affirms that Cha Cheon Joo just survive. Geumgae will be keep alive even if they are gone & there is still Cha Cheon Soo & the other remnants members to rebuilt the sect that they don’t wish to have Geumgae sect vanished. Choi Dong Joo also asked Cha Cheon Soo to look after her sister Choi Dong Yi & asked no matter what happens that he must protect Choi Dong Yi. Cha Cheon Soo has to nods to Choi Dong Joo request
Choi Dong Yi & Gae Do Ra’s father goes to the street market as Gae Do Ra’s father asked whether this is alright or else they can back out. Choi Dong Yi said there is no need, she will do well & she will be careful. Gae Do Ra’s father tells her let do it. The other members are keeping a lookout. Gae Do Ra’s father & Choi Dong Yi go in to the store as he calls out for the storekeeper. The storekeeper comes out to acknowledge the call as Gae Do Ra’s father tells that he has heard that the store carry some variety of fireworks & his household Miss wants to buy them. The storekeeper said that this varieties are expensive & they are kept in the warehouse. Choi Dong Yi asked the storekeeper to go into the warehouse to get it. The storekeeper acknowledge & asked Choi Dong Yi to follow him to the warehouse. The storekeeper show the fireworks that she asked for & then introduce other varieties then the storekeeper looks at Choi Dong Yi & finds her familiar. Gae Do Ra’s father address Choi Dong Yi as Miss to go out & wait for him while he settle the matter in the storeroom. Choi Dong Yi acknowledge as she leaves.
The storekeeper said that Choi Dong Yi looks familiar & where he has seen her before. Gae Do Ra’s father asked the storekeeper whether he has Jin Chu in the warehouse. The storekeeper tells that the Jin Chu is in the next storage room. Gae Do Ra’s father asked whether the storekeeper can bring it out for him. The storekeeper acknowledge & asked him to wait. Gae Do Ra’s father calls his other member to come & to search for the gunpowder as they goes searching for it as Gae Do Ra’s father asked them to be quick
Jin Chu is a fuse for fire cracker
Choi Dong Yi waits outside as she hides from passerby then at the alley, she sees a lady with a man then give the hand gesture exactly like Jang Ik Heon before he dies & Choi Dong Yi recognise the hand gesture. Choi Dong Yi recalls jang Ik Heon giving exactly the same hand gesture before he dies. Then she recalls Seo Yong Gil that it must be of great importance for Jang Ik Heon to show this hand gestures that it will be hard to cipher what it means. The man leaves after the ladies went through a number of hand gestures then Choi Dong Yi sees the lady drop an ornament as she goes to pick it up the turns around to asked where did the lady gone to. The lady return to asked whether Choi Dong Yi is looking for her & asked why. Choi Dong Yi tells that she has drop the ornament. The lady thanks her & she tells Choi Dong Yi that it is really important to her. Then the guard address her as Mamanim in which she is a Palace Court Lady as Choi Dong Yi is shock to see soldiers as The Palace Court Lady tells the soldier to wait a moment. The Palace Court Lady tells Choi Dong Yi to leave as the soldier might able to recognise her face. The Palace Court Lady tells Choi Dong Yo that she know that the whole of the capital is looking for Choi Dong Yi, although Choi Dong Yi may be dress this way, there will be people who will able to recognise her therefore Choi Dong Yi must be cautious. The Palace Court Lady leaves as the soldier asked whether they is any problem as the Palace Court Lady brushes it as nothing. Choi Dong Yi clearly know that this was the hand gesture that Jang Ik Heon has use
The hand gesture that is use is the Chinese hand gestures for a set of numbering,
Cha Cheon Soo pondering on the choice he has to make & the request that Choi Dong Joo has entrust in him then leaves to inform Gae Do Ra’s father & the rest as Gae Do Ra’s father asked what that means that they are not going to do nothing about it. Cha Cheon Soo said that this is an order from Choi Hyo Won therefore they all must lied low & hide. Gae Do Ra’s father said that they can’t do that, how can they see Choi Hyo Won & their comrades just died in vain like that & be so cruel to continue to survive. Cha Cheon Soo concurs that this is what they must do. Cha Cheon Soo is correct that they need to survive & stay alive, even if it is cruel, no matter what they must stay alive that they need to remember this day that they must not forget this day, they need to finds out the mastermind that has cause Choi Hyo Won & their comrades to die & then use their lives as collateral for pay back, this is the reason why they must continue to stay alive & survive in order to achieve that. The Geumgae members are sadden by it
In the jetty as passenger board the ship, they are thoroughly checked by police. Cha Cheon Soo & Choi Dong Yi at the jetty where Choi Dong Yi is disguise as a boy then pass Cha Cheon Soo her Mun An Bi silk clothes that she wore. Choi Dong Yi wonders why he needs it for as Cha Cheon Soo takes it from her. Cha Cheon Soo said that he needs to use it urgently. The sweeper comes as Cha Cheon Soo asked how it is going. The sweeper tells the police bureau that he is fearing retaliation from Geumgae therefore asked to leave then tell that they are leaving on the O Si boat then they will follow him. Cha Cheon Soo tells that she needs to follow Sweeper Jang on board the boat. Choi Dong Yi surprise that she has to board alone then what about Cha Cheon Soo. Cha Cheon Soo assures Choi Dong Yi that he will come later, in a few days, he & Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo will come together for her. Choi Dong Yi asked whether it is true that Cha Cheon Soo will come together with her father & brother. Cha Cheon Soo assures that it is true & asked her when there was any time that he has ever lied to her. Choi Dong Yi said that he hasn’t. Cha Cheon hands over the Geumgae insignia & asked her to recognise the insignia as she nods. Cha Cheon Soo asked her to memorise the insignia & never forget it. Cha Cheon Soo said no matter where she is, if she leave this insignia mark, he will know where to find her & asked whether she understands. Choi Dong Yi asked when will they be coming, 3 or else 4 days. Cha Cheon Soo said that it might take a few more days than that, he still doesn’t know yet. Choi Dong Yi said that it is alright, she will wait for them for a long time if need be but however Cha Cheon Soo must come & asked for a pinky promise as Cha Cheon Soo promise her that he will come for her
O Si is the hour of Horse it is 11am-1pm consider the mid day afternoon
Sweeper Jang comes to them as it is time to board the boat, then Cha Cheon Soo goes to him & tell him to lessen his guilt from this ordeal, he needs to protect Choi Dong Yi at all cost. Sweeper jang acknowledge. Sweeper Jang takes Choi Dong on board the boat as she looks back at Cha Cheon Soo as Cha Cheon Soo smiles at her to assure her. Cha Cheon Soo sees her off & tell her to have a safe trip
Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo is carted to the execution ground. Then on the way, they found an unmanned horse cart as the Uigyeongbu guards asked the horse cart to be remove from the route, as the soldier comes to deal with it then suddenly a fuse is lit then a soldier shouts explosive as several explosion blew up & knocking the soldier off & creating a thick smoke as Cha Cheon Soo comes to rescue Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo. Cha Cheon Soo takes down the guards & then as he reaches the cart, he asked Choi Dong Joo to takes Choi Hyo Won to Jincheon village & there are horses waiting for them there. Cha Cheon Soo releases the others then the other Geumgae members come out & hit dart & the pursuing guards. Gae Do Ra’s father comes to slash down any pursuing soldiers.
Choi Dong Yi in the boat as she heard other passenger that the Geumgae members has escape. The passenger 1 tells that they didn’t diminished then & allow them to escape. The passenger 2 tells that it is because they wanted to rescue their comrades that they did attack the soldiers in a daring rescue attempt & he heard that they have escape to that directions. The passenger 1 tells that that direction is towards the ravine. Then Choi Dong Yi asked the passenger about the execution…Choi Dong Yi leaves the boat. Cha Cheon Soo leads Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Joo from the pursuit of soldiers as they starts to come up to a mountain ridge. The afternoon set sails & Choi Dong Yi runs from the jetty
Cha Cheon Soo finds themselves surrounded by soldiers as they fought against the soldier offensive. Choi Hyo Won is injure by the attacking soldiers as they are being outnumbered then the archer comes by as the foot soldiers part their way as Choi Hyo Won asked then to duck for cover as the archer releases their arrows at them, some of the arrow struck the Geumgae members & Choi Dong Joo is one of them as Choi Ding Yi runs shouting “No, they can’t”. Choi Hyo Won & Cha Cheon Soo witness being struck by multiple arrows as Choi Dong joo falls into a ravine as Choi Dong Yi slip & falls while attempting to climb up the mountain & sense calamity for her father & brother. Cha Cheon Soo tries to carry the injured Choi Hyo Won who ended up being struck by arrows. Cha Cheon Soo is also shot in the leg as Cha Cheon Soo finds cover from the arrows. Choi Hyo Won lay dying as Cha Cheon Soo tells that he can’t fulfilled Choi Hyo Won’s last order. Choi Hyo Won in his last breath that it was an honour for him to have fought side by side with them, if there is a chance, they shall meet in life after next. Choi Hyo Won then expires his last breath. Cha Cheon Soo cries at Choi Hyo Won’s passing. Cha Cheon Soo pull his arrow out of his leg then goes to meets the pursuing soldiers on the edge of the ravine as he takes the soldiers attacks. Choi Dong Yi runs & make her way there. Cha Cheon Soo got lance by the spear & recalling Choi Dong Yi that it is fine, she will wait for him no matter how long it takes therefore he must return. Cha Cheon Soo is mortally wounded by the soldiers then avoiding the lancing of the spear, he fall off the ravine then into the water unconscious.
It is raining by the time Choi Dong Yi makes her way to the ridge & finds bodies of soldier scatter everywhere after the fight then finds remnants of her father & Cha Cheon Soo where she finds the purse that she make for Choi Hyo Won & recalls that her father promise that he will carry with him at all times as she cries for her father then looks around for their whereabout crying for her father & brother & fall on her knees at the edge of the ridge & tells why they didn’t fulfilled their promise & come for her, didn’t she said that she will wait for them no matter how long it takes, didn’t they say that they will return & cries for her father that this can’t be happening as she wails for her father
The rain stops, Kim Heon ponders in thought then sense something as he asked his student to hasten their journey. On their way, Uigyeongbu soldiers block their path as Oh Yun comes to asked whether he is Kim Heon. Oh Yun calls for his Uncle & inform that the person he wants to see, he has already brought him here. Oh Tae Seok acknowledge as Kim Heon comes in to greet Oh Tae Seok. Oh Tae Seok is happy to see Kim Heon & asked him to sit down. Kim Heon sits down as Oh Tae Seok said that he has heard that Kim Heon is in the capital, therefore he has send people out looking for him with great effort. Kim Heon asked that the aristocrat like Oh Tae Seok what is there a need to finds a lowly person like him for. Oh Tae Seok said that it is not that precisely where in Joseon 8 provinces do he finds a man with great foresight like Kim Heon. Kim Heon laughs as Oh Tae Seok tells that he actually wants him to take look at this girl person for them. Oh Tae Seok calls to bring the girl in
The girls comes in & introduce herself as Jang Ok Jung, the future Jang Hee Bin. Jang Ok Jung sits down as Kim Heon takes a glance at her then attentively looks at her. Jang Ok Jung is the Palace court lady that Choi Dong Yi meet at the street market where she drop her ornament. Jang Ok Jung looking at the ornament. Oh Tae Seok has plan to send the girl into the palace to become a Royal Inner Court Ladies. Oh Tae Seok tells Kim Heon that he believe that Jang Ok Jung is an extraordinary girl to be reckon although she is from the Jungin class therefore he will like Kim Heon’s feedback. Kim Heon queries about Royal Inner Court Ladies & asked what does Oh Tae Seok means. Kim Heon said that the girl will not merely be satisfy with that status, her face geomancy indicate that he has a great destiny therefore she will attained a high official ranking in the Royal Inner Court Ladies & most probably the highest attainable position. Oh Tae Seok is surprise that she can become the highest ranking Royal Inner Court Ladies which mean it is Wang Bi or Queen Consort but Kim Heon has his doubts
Hu Gong is the actually means Rear palace is the residence of the Royal Inner Court Ladies, the King’s woman
Kim Heon goes to met Jang Ok Jung as they greet each other. Kim Heon advice that she may enter the palace as she leaves, Kim Heon turns then warns her that there will another that will follow. Jang Ok Jung begs her pardon doesn’t know what is Kim Heon implying. Kim Heon said that although he didn’t mentioned this to Oh Tae Seok, there should be another that will follow & will own the same destiny has hers that will be fairly compatible then most probably that she may have compete with her in confrontation. Kim Heon warns that if it possible that she may do, it is best that Jang ok Jung avoid having any confrontation with her. Jang Ok Jung said that a person that she can’t have frontal confrontation, Jang Ok Jung heard that Kim Heon is a learned man in path of inner alchemy. Jang Ok Jung asked whether she needs to scheme & ploy. Kim Heon tells that when the sun ray is bright & radiance on an object, it will definitely always will cast a shadow & it is impossible that they are able to be inseparable like body & shadow in coexistence. Kim Heon warns that her destiny & the another will be exactly like that that it will be inseparable that they both will be effected by each other coexisting, although she may have it all, the other has nothing to begin with, whatever Jung Ok Jung has gain; she may end up empty handed because of the another who has taken it from her as she start with nothing. Jang Ok Jung asked whether the another that he has mentioned & implied is said that she will be Jang Ok Jung’s shadow. Kim Heon tells that she is not, on the contrary jang ok Jung is the shadow. Jang Ok Jung is surprise that she is the said shadow that has mentioned that will gain everything but yet will lose it all. Kim Heon confirms, if by chance that this person were to survive her ordeal & returns, Jang Ok Jung may finds it hard to surpass her radiance & that she has no alternative whatsoever to overwrite the situation therefore it is best at all cost to avoid having a confrontation with her or else it will spell a certain doom for Jang Ok Jung as Kim Heon bows & leaves
Not knowing to Kim Heon Choi Dong Yi & Jang Ok Jung have met
Choi Dong Yi wakes up from her nightmare & panting as she finds that it is already nightfall as she comes back to her village, only to finds a heavy police presence as she hides away then a villagers finds Choi Dong Yi sleeping at her entrance & ignore her seeing that she looks familiar but brushes it off. Choi Dong Yi arrives back to her home to see it ransacked. Then standing at her house compound, snowflakes falls then it changes to blossom falling where her brother is playing the haegeum as she turns to the music then sees her father & brother. Kim Dong Joo calls out to his sister then her father calls her. Choi Dong Yi happy to see her father & brother as Choi Hyo Won calls his daughter to come here quickly as she runs then reality set in & her dreamlike sequence disappears
Choi Dong Yi comes into her house then cries to her father that the house is so cold & she is so frightened & asked her father to take her away as she collapse on to the floor that she wants to be together with her father & brother no matter where they are now that she wish to go there with them together & mutters for her father & brother then dreamlike sequence Choi Hyo Won stroke his daughter head fondly then Choi Hyo Won tells her daughter that he is sorry & forgive her father that he has forsaken her, forgive him that he has allow her to continue living her life alone, forgive him that he has left her in this gruel world alone, a while there will be a chill draft that will blow that she will be really sad but however she is has a kind & virtuous heart that he trust that she may overcome whatever the chills in life that has to offered therefore he tells Choi Dong Yi that she needs to be strong & she needs to recover & get up courageously continue to stay alive & she must quickly gets up & survive as Choi Hyo Won encourage his daughter to strive on with her life, then Choi Dong Yi mutter for her father that she can’t
Choi Dong Yi wakes up from her dream in a dark house & calls out to her father
Choi Dong Yi & Gae Do Ra inside the house where Choi Dong Yi is holding to the door & is surprise
Soldier: This is where Geumgae’s leader’s daughter is residing
Soldier: Search the area
Police are searching also searching for Choi Dong Yi
Oh Tae Seok: It seems like this little mess needs you to handle
Someone: All the power are not bestow but it is snatch from
Seo Yong Gil goes searching for Choi Dong Yi
Seo Yong Gil: It still not ended….therefore there is a need that I need for me to find that child with my own hands
Choi Dong Yi meets Seo Yong Gil
Oh Yun with a Gisaeng Seol Hee
Oh Yun: Therefore, you will not able to accompany me to night
Choi Dong Yi hushes Gae Do Ra to keep quiet as they escape
Choi Dong Yi: We will be safe here, even if the whole police bureau goes rummaging the capital…they will never know that we will be hiding here
Seo Yong Gil riding on horse back searching
Choi Dong Yi let off the wish lantern on the 15th of the lunar month to make a wish
Choi Dong Yi: Like what father has said, this is my aspiration, that from here onwards, I will strive to survive therefore you must safeguard & protect me in my quest to stay alive
Wish lantern has many name, sky lantern, prayer lantern & the famous is the Kongming lantern are consider good luck & sometimes it also symbolic of troubles & worries floats away & usually popular for people who have a recent bereavement
Seo Yong Gil order a cease fire
Seo Yong Gil: Cease fire!!!……I order all of you to cease fire
Seol Hee holds a letter
Choi Dong Yi: The safest place in this world is the palace
Hwang Joo Shik bring Choi Dong Yi to enter the palace
Choi Dong Yi: Therefore, I beg you to help me enter the palace
Sukjong makes an appearance
Choi Dong Yi practices haegeum
Choi Dong Yi grows up in the palace
Background history
It is noted & said that Choi Dong Yi was from a Jungin class. Although inferior to the aristocracy in social standing, the Jungin enjoyed far more privileges & influence than commoners. For example, the Jungin were not taxed nor subject to military conscription. Like the Yanban, they were allowed to live in the central part of the city, hence the name “middle people or class”. Also, the Jungin tended to marry within their own class as well as into the Yanban class. In addition, since they were eligible to enter the palace as Royal Court ladies or servants, it was possible for a Jungin girl, if her father had a clean reputation or good connections and she was able to catch the King’s attention or Queen Dowager’s good eye, to become a royal consort or even a Royal Noble Consort, the third highest ranking in the hierarchy of the inner court for the King’s woman, after the Queen Dowager and the Queen. An example is Royal Noble Consort Sook of the Choi Clan, mother of Yeongjo